Grant County & Dry Ridge & Williamstown, Kentucky

Grant County was formed in 1820 and was named after Colonel John Grant. Grant County is located between Lexington and Cincinnati which makes it a perfect location for the rural, small town life with easy access to the amenities of a larger city. The population of Grant County in 2010 was around 24,000. Williamstown has about 3,000 residents, and Dry Ridge has around 2,000. Grant County is currently the 9th fastest growing county in the state of Kentucky. There are also 5 different lakes in Grant County which makes it a great area for outdoor and recreational life.

There were 640 car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle wrecks and other motor vehicle wrecks reported in 2013 in Grant County, Kentucky.

Avoid mistakes that can be costly to you or someone you love if injuries have been caused by abuse or neglect at a nursing home. Call or e-mail the Grant County, Kentucky lawyers at Varellas & Varellas for a no-obligation, free initial consultation to learn about the time limitations for filing a claim for the injuries suffered and to learn about preserving evidence and about the damages that you may be able to recover. Our attorneys can also help you take the necessary steps to properly prepare your case to recover compensation if you have been in an accident involving a motorcycle, car, bicycle, truck, or airplane or if you have sustained injuries and need to pursue a disability claim such as social security or long-term disability.

Our experienced trial attorneys can also protect your rights if you face criminal charges and need criminal defense representation. E-mail or call our lawyers to find out if charges on your criminal record can be expunged under the expungement laws of Kentucky.

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